Brentaal sat at the strategic intersection of the Perlemian
Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Brentaal was a small, dry planet with
a diameter of 11,242 kilometers whose eight continents were separated by small, salty oceans. Most available land on the wealthy world was
covered with starports, industrial facilities, and thriving
trade markets. Most of its 65 billion citizens were crowded into the valleys and deltas on the planet, as the
rest of the planet consisted of high, rugged mountain chains, dormant volcanoes, and plateaus. This resulted in major overpopulation.The planet also once endured high levels of pollution, though this was largely alleviated in later years. The original settlers of the planet had little care for the native species of the planet, and most species died off and were replaced by non-native species. The hardiest native species were kundrils, enormous flying insects living in the mountains and along the shore.

Boz Pity was a planet in the Boz Pity system of the Mid Rim. It was home to the sentient Gargantelle species, noted for their large stature. When the planet was discovered at
some point before the end of the Ductavis Era, the Hutts attempted to enslave the species. After the Gargantelles
repelled seven invasions and four diplomatic missions, the Hutts convinced the electric caliphs of Boz Pity's neighbor world Mourn
to exterminate the species. The Gargantelles were slowly driven to extinction
over the next decade, but erected a substantial amount of enormous gravestones
to their fallen. When the species disappeared, these monuments earned Boz Pity
the nickname "the graveyard planet," which prompted inhabitants of nearby
systems to travel to the planet to bury their dead.

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems used the
planet as a staging point for raids on the Galactic Republic's borders, and constructed a large base on Boz Pity's surface. In 19.43
BBY, towards the end of the war, Republic forces seized
control of the planet. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic established a
base on the planet. The Galactic Empire discovered the base shortly
after, and launched an attack on Boz Pity, but the Alliance was able
to evacuate.

Between 25 and 26 ABY, the Boz Pity system was attacked by the
Yuuzhan Vong during their attempt at conquering the galaxy. New Republic forces drove them out between 27
and 29 ABY.

Bothawui was a cosmopolitan planet, located in the center of Bothan Space in the Mid Rim. It was the homeworld of the Bothan race as well as a major hub for information trafficking. It was also the center of the Bothan Spynet, widely agreed upon to be the best network of information gathering in the the galaxy. The Imperial name for the planet was Bothawui Proper.

Bothawui was the third planet from the star Both in the Bothan system, located in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy at the coordinates R-14. It had a breathable atmosphere and a temperate climate. Its terrain
was dominated by plains, mountains, forests, and urban areas.

Bothese was one of the languages from which Basic developed. The Bothans colonized many
nearby worlds, such as Kothlis, and Bothawui became the capital of the
Bothan sector. The Bothan Spynet also dated back to the days of the
old Republic.

 Bothawui was home to both industry and grain farms. The planet was mined for indigenous ores such as lidium.

Bonadan was chief port world of the Corporate Sector and the primary world in the Bonadan system, boasting 10 gigantic spaceports.
It was a strip-mined planet at the end of the Hydian Way. The densely populated planet housed many exotic species from around the galaxy. Bonadanians found off-world were
either from wealthy corporate families or those that have escaped the life of
corporate servitude.
Bonadan's yellow, parched surface was heavily eroded, and its topsoil had
been destroyed due to constant drilling and construction. The remaining surface was covered with factories, refineries, docks, and shipbuilding facilities in ten spaceports, the largest being Bonadan Spaceport Southeast II.

A massive weather-control station lay in the mountains to the north of the
main cities; it was used to generate sweeper storms that cleaned the polluted air. Despite this, foul smelling rain and pollution is widespread. Weapons were
banned on Bonadan, and being caught by one of the omnipresent weapons detectors was grounds for immediate arrest. Newcomers were thoroughly scanned before landing.
From space, Bonadan was a yellow sphere covered with rust-red strips. It
looked barren and parched, for whatever plant life not killed deliberately died
due to careless mining operations, abundant pollutants and simple neglect. The Bonadanian tortapo was some of the last surviving fauna on
this planet.

The once-beautiful landscape was scorched and barren from years of
strip-mining, pollution, and mismanagement.

Bespin was a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer
Rim Territories. It was also a major source of tibanna gas, which was refined for production and
transport in numerous mining operations including Cloud City and Tibannopolis. It was home to several million individuals, including Humans, Ugnaughts, and Lutrillians. It was a famous shadowport.
The planet Bespin was a gas giant that was about
118,000 kilometers in diameter. Like most gas giants, it had a solid core made
of metal (in this case, rethin) followed by layers of metallic gases.
Most of the layers of gas were poisonous, and the pressure and temperature were far above what a Human could tolerate. But from approximately 150 to 180 kilometers down from space, there was a habitable layer known as the
Bespin life zone. This layer had an oxygen atmosphere with temperature and pressure suitable for Human life. It was in this layer that Cloud City was located. Like most gas giants, Bespin had a number of moons. It had a twelve-hour day, and completed a revolution around its star about every fourteen years.
Bespin's fauna included the winged Tibannucks, velkers, rawwks, the gas-filled beldon, and airborne algae sacks. Bespin was the
type class of the Bespin-class gas giant.

Bakura was a rich, green and blue planet in the Bakura system of the Shiritoku Spur, located on the isolated edge of
the Outer Rim, formally a part of Wild
It was the site of a historic truce between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic immediately following the Battle of Endor, shortly before the Second Battle of Bakura. The Ssi-Ruuk called the planet Xwhee.

Bakura was a terrestrial planet in Wild Space, at the end of the Shiritoku Spur; the only habitable planet in the eight-planet system of the same name. Its terrain mostly comprised mountains, valleys, plains and small seas, all of which received a great deal of rain; Leia Organa viewed Bakura as being very similar to a wetter Alderaan. The capital city was Salis D'aar, which was between two of Bakura's major rivers.
Bakura's primary exports included strategic metals,
an addictive fruit called namana and repulsorlift components.
The planet was also the origin of a disease called Bakuran
fever bumps.

Discovered sometime after 3,000 BBY and before the Galactic Republic's Ruusan
Reformation, the world joined the Galactic Senate and maintained a relatively
humble existence within the government. Seemingly unimportant, the world helped
found the Malarian Alliance in 42 BBY, alongside Dbari, Malari and Mamendin, which secured Ansion's trade and
security. Later, it signed the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty, tying the
planet to Keitum, Mondress, Lonnaw, Dorin, Eeropha, and Glom Tho. Represented in the Senate by Senator Mousul during the Separatist Crisis, Ansion was being eyed by Commerce Guild Presidente Shu Mai, for if it could be made to secede, the
other worlds tied to it could also fall to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Inciting a border dispute between the Unity of Community government and the nomadic Alwari,
Presidente Mai began to strain the world's relationship with the other signers
of the treaty.

Before the plot could unfold, the Jedi High Council dispatched Jedi
Master Luminara Unduli, Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, and their Padawans Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker to negotiate peace. The Separatists hired local Bossban Soergg the Hutt to help induce riots and conflict
between the Ansari and the Unity Council, but when the Jedi appeared he was
forced to turn to more brutal techniques. Hiring thugs to track the Jedi, his
men harried the four peacekeepers into the foothills, where they found shelter
among the native tribesmen. Eventually the Jedi were able to restore peace
between both nations and the Unity Council voted to remain with the Republic.
Padawan Offee confronted Soergg the Hutt with evidence that he was connected with the Separatists, but all evidence was circumstantial and no charges were brought against him.

Joining the Galactic Empire following its rise from the ashes
of the Republic, Emperor Palpatine appointed a Moff who dissolved all existing treaties and alliances, guaranteeing that a threat to Imperial security could not arise amongst the obscure worlds. Taken by Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo during his northern campaign, the world was overrun by the
Yuuzhan Vong during the Yuuzhan Vong War and its inhabitants enslaved.
Freed by the Imperial Remnant in 29 ABY, the world remained in Imperial space throughout the Second Galactic Civil War.

The planet, while habitable, was generally inhospitable, like the other
worlds of the Anoat system. Discovered shortly before the
by the Figg Excavations group, Human colonists began to populate a part of the
world as excavation began. Disregarding the fragile ecosystem, the miners
shattered the earth and poisoned the atmosphere. Leaving the world a ruin, many
of the settlements were abandoned due to pollution.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire and the throughout the Galactic
Civil War
the planet's only settlement, Anoat
, served as the secret base of Imperial weapons designer Moff Rebus. During the war, Rebel mercenary Kyle Katarn extracted Rebus from his hideout in
the sewers of Anoat City and brought him to justice.
Later, in 3 ABY following the Battle of Hoth, the Millennium Falcon passed through the Anoat
system while running from the
Imperial Navy.

With the rise of the New Republic, the Figg group reopened their
operations on the world, with the populace of the world gaining representation in the
New Republic Senate

While not as industrialized as Axum, Anaxes was more prestigious, home to many
families associated with a tradition of service in the Fleet. It was home to Azure Motorworks, a major producer of luxury
vehicles. Considered an ecumenopolis, in that it was a planet-wide city,
it was more reminiscent of a Green Coruscant, though, in that it was sprinkled
with beautiful parks and green areas in and around the city like the Great
Plain of Anaxes.
Anaxes was also home to Keffis, which the resident Anaxsi bred for not only riding, but prestige.
They were often used in areas deemed off-limits to most vehicles by the Anaxsi, such as the capital.
The primary icon of power for not only Anaxes, but the Azure Imperium and Imperial Navy, was Anaxes Citadel, a massive complex of training
schools, research labs, intelligence centers, offices, archives, and parade
grounds that also served as the main governmental building on the planet. The
terraced Sirpar Hills above the Citadel were dotted with
estates held by families that may have not been Old Anaxsi, but whose names were synonymous with naval service. Sirpar Station was the dividing guard post between the Hills and the Citadel.

The planet also gave its name to Anaxes Station, a space station near the planet,
on the fringes of the Axum system

Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was the second planet in the Alderaan system, and the home of many famous
heroes, including Leia Organa Solo, Bail Organa, and Ulic Qel-Droma. Renowned galaxy-wide for their planet's unspoiled beauty, refined culture, and commitment to peace, Alderaanians worked with and around the land to preserve as much of the natural surroundings as they could.
Originally the home of the Killiks, Alderaan was later conquered by Humans.
Despite a battle during the Great
Galactic War
and a civil war during the subsequent Cold
, Alderaan remained peaceful during much of galactic history.
However, in 0
, Grand Moff Tarkin and the Galactic Empire wanted to intimidate the galaxy
into submission, and destroyed the unarmed and peaceful planet using
the first Death Star's superlaser.