Bakura was a rich, green and blue planet in the Bakura system of the Shiritoku Spur, located on the isolated edge of
the Outer Rim, formally a part of Wild
It was the site of a historic truce between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic immediately following the Battle of Endor, shortly before the Second Battle of Bakura. The Ssi-Ruuk called the planet Xwhee.

Bakura was a terrestrial planet in Wild Space, at the end of the Shiritoku Spur; the only habitable planet in the eight-planet system of the same name. Its terrain mostly comprised mountains, valleys, plains and small seas, all of which received a great deal of rain; Leia Organa viewed Bakura as being very similar to a wetter Alderaan. The capital city was Salis D'aar, which was between two of Bakura's major rivers.
Bakura's primary exports included strategic metals,
an addictive fruit called namana and repulsorlift components.
The planet was also the origin of a disease called Bakuran
fever bumps.

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