Boz Pity was a planet in the Boz Pity system of the Mid Rim. It was home to the sentient Gargantelle species, noted for their large stature. When the planet was discovered at
some point before the end of the Ductavis Era, the Hutts attempted to enslave the species. After the Gargantelles
repelled seven invasions and four diplomatic missions, the Hutts convinced the electric caliphs of Boz Pity's neighbor world Mourn
to exterminate the species. The Gargantelles were slowly driven to extinction
over the next decade, but erected a substantial amount of enormous gravestones
to their fallen. When the species disappeared, these monuments earned Boz Pity
the nickname "the graveyard planet," which prompted inhabitants of nearby
systems to travel to the planet to bury their dead.

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems used the
planet as a staging point for raids on the Galactic Republic's borders, and constructed a large base on Boz Pity's surface. In 19.43
BBY, towards the end of the war, Republic forces seized
control of the planet. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic established a
base on the planet. The Galactic Empire discovered the base shortly
after, and launched an attack on Boz Pity, but the Alliance was able
to evacuate.

Between 25 and 26 ABY, the Boz Pity system was attacked by the
Yuuzhan Vong during their attempt at conquering the galaxy. New Republic forces drove them out between 27
and 29 ABY.

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