Brentaal sat at the strategic intersection of the Perlemian
Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Brentaal was a small, dry planet with
a diameter of 11,242 kilometers whose eight continents were separated by small, salty oceans. Most available land on the wealthy world was
covered with starports, industrial facilities, and thriving
trade markets. Most of its 65 billion citizens were crowded into the valleys and deltas on the planet, as the
rest of the planet consisted of high, rugged mountain chains, dormant volcanoes, and plateaus. This resulted in major overpopulation.The planet also once endured high levels of pollution, though this was largely alleviated in later years. The original settlers of the planet had little care for the native species of the planet, and most species died off and were replaced by non-native species. The hardiest native species were kundrils, enormous flying insects living in the mountains and along the shore.

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