Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was the second planet in the Alderaan system, and the home of many famous
heroes, including Leia Organa Solo, Bail Organa, and Ulic Qel-Droma. Renowned galaxy-wide for their planet's unspoiled beauty, refined culture, and commitment to peace, Alderaanians worked with and around the land to preserve as much of the natural surroundings as they could.
Originally the home of the Killiks, Alderaan was later conquered by Humans.
Despite a battle during the Great
Galactic War
and a civil war during the subsequent Cold
, Alderaan remained peaceful during much of galactic history.
However, in 0
, Grand Moff Tarkin and the Galactic Empire wanted to intimidate the galaxy
into submission, and destroyed the unarmed and peaceful planet using
the first Death Star's superlaser.

4/21/2013 01:36:53 pm

Was very sad to see the planet blown up. Tarken was areal bad-ass.


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