Bothawui was a cosmopolitan planet, located in the center of Bothan Space in the Mid Rim. It was the homeworld of the Bothan race as well as a major hub for information trafficking. It was also the center of the Bothan Spynet, widely agreed upon to be the best network of information gathering in the the galaxy. The Imperial name for the planet was Bothawui Proper.

Bothawui was the third planet from the star Both in the Bothan system, located in the Mid Rim region of the galaxy at the coordinates R-14. It had a breathable atmosphere and a temperate climate. Its terrain
was dominated by plains, mountains, forests, and urban areas.

Bothese was one of the languages from which Basic developed. The Bothans colonized many
nearby worlds, such as Kothlis, and Bothawui became the capital of the
Bothan sector. The Bothan Spynet also dated back to the days of the
old Republic.

 Bothawui was home to both industry and grain farms. The planet was mined for indigenous ores such as lidium.

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