The planet, while habitable, was generally inhospitable, like the other
worlds of the Anoat system. Discovered shortly before the
by the Figg Excavations group, Human colonists began to populate a part of the
world as excavation began. Disregarding the fragile ecosystem, the miners
shattered the earth and poisoned the atmosphere. Leaving the world a ruin, many
of the settlements were abandoned due to pollution.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire and the throughout the Galactic
Civil War
the planet's only settlement, Anoat
, served as the secret base of Imperial weapons designer Moff Rebus. During the war, Rebel mercenary Kyle Katarn extracted Rebus from his hideout in
the sewers of Anoat City and brought him to justice.
Later, in 3 ABY following the Battle of Hoth, the Millennium Falcon passed through the Anoat
system while running from the
Imperial Navy.

With the rise of the New Republic, the Figg group reopened their
operations on the world, with the populace of the world gaining representation in the
New Republic Senate

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