Bespin was a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer
Rim Territories. It was also a major source of tibanna gas, which was refined for production and
transport in numerous mining operations including Cloud City and Tibannopolis. It was home to several million individuals, including Humans, Ugnaughts, and Lutrillians. It was a famous shadowport.
The planet Bespin was a gas giant that was about
118,000 kilometers in diameter. Like most gas giants, it had a solid core made
of metal (in this case, rethin) followed by layers of metallic gases.
Most of the layers of gas were poisonous, and the pressure and temperature were far above what a Human could tolerate. But from approximately 150 to 180 kilometers down from space, there was a habitable layer known as the
Bespin life zone. This layer had an oxygen atmosphere with temperature and pressure suitable for Human life. It was in this layer that Cloud City was located. Like most gas giants, Bespin had a number of moons. It had a twelve-hour day, and completed a revolution around its star about every fourteen years.
Bespin's fauna included the winged Tibannucks, velkers, rawwks, the gas-filled beldon, and airborne algae sacks. Bespin was the
type class of the Bespin-class gas giant.

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