Dagobah  was an Outer Rim planet in the Dagobah system. A remote world of swamps and forests, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life.
Dagobah was a harsh, humid, swampy planet, mostly covered in shallow marshland,
interspersed with stifling forests and at least one cave. There were very few truly open bodies of water on the planet: the water supply was thinly invested throughout the planet's main habitat, swampland, although there were vast expanses of mud fields. Dagobah was home to many creatures, such as bogwings, dragonsnakes, nudj, sleens, vine snakes, and swamp slugs. Examples of flora included the Adder moss, the hassling,Gnarltree and Meat flower. The planet was devoid of any
advanced civilization.

Hundreds of years before the Clone Wars, the Jedi Minch battled and killed a powerful Bpfasshi Dark Jedi on the planet. The Dark Jedi's energies absorbed into its surroundings, tainting the planet with the dark side.

The planet seldom appeared in astrography charts and it was discovered and
re-scouted several times. The first official Republic survey of Dagobah occurred in 39 BBY. A team of Alderaanian explorers were stranded there but
were devoured by wildlife, while a pre-Clone Wars expedition was forced to
resort to cannibalism.

In early 22
BBY, just prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, a Republic
research team under Halka Four-Den was stationed on Dagobah to
research the native flora and fauna. From even the initial assessment, the team concluded that Dagobah was crawling with an incredible diversity of life, and made notes to recommend Dagobah for more extensive surveys, given the likely advances in genetics and medicine that even a few of its lifeforms would cause. Unfortunately, Halka Four-Den and her research team died on Dagobah before they could be retrieved.Likely due to the outbreak of
the Clone Wars, their distress signals were ignored until it was too late. The
few survivors were forced to raise their children as cannibals.

At the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Yoda was quick to recall Master Kenobi's search for Kamino, a lost planet beyond the Outer
Rim. He knew that if Kamino was deleted from the Jedi Archives, other such planets must exist.
He discovered thirty-seven such worlds, Dagobah was one of them. He passed over it, but not before considering it as a refuge.
Dagobah was located within Separatist space during the Clone Wars.

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