Csilla, the homeworld of the Chiss, was a cold world of glaciers and snowy wastes located deep
within Chiss Space, and served as the capital of the Chiss Ascendancy.

Sometime around 27,500 BBY, Humans arrived on Csilla in a sleeper ship and colonized the planet.[4] The planet entered an ice age in 5,000
BBY. Glaciers covered the normally-warm equatorial regions of the
planet, while solid ice locked the poles in perpetual winter. In order to
survive, the Chiss built energy-efficient warrens beneath the ice, as close to
the warmth of the inner planet as possible, with underground carriage travel
routes to connect the various underground sections of Csilla. The iceways were
bored through the bedrock of the planet, so that they were unaffected by the
shifting ice found on the planet's surface.

Locked in an ice age for millennia, Csilla forced many socioeconomic and
technological changes upon the Chiss, but few physical changes. Contrary to
beliefs in a link between the Chiss skin color and the Csillan temperature,
scientists concluded that the Chiss’ blue skin was caused by a mineral found in
the Csillan hydrosphere.

During the Great Galactic War, negotiators from the Chiss Ascendancy—the Chiss' government—and
diplomats of the Sith Empire met in a summit, which resulted in
the Ascendancy offering resources, tax revenues, and armies to the Empire in
return for its sovereignty; as part of the decision, no Imperials would enter
Csilla without permission.

Csilla was the capital of the Chiss Ascendancy.It was also home to the Expeditionary Library. Grand Admiral Thrawn was born here.

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